This workshop is jointly organised by the WCRP Working Group on Coupled Modelling (WGCM) and the European Commission FP7 project EMBRACE (Earth system Model Bias Reduction and assessing Abrupt Climate)
The workshop has three primary aims, following the format of the WCRP CMIP5 model analysis workshop held in 2012, to present and discuss:
- Multi-model CMIP5 analyses taking advantage of the large suite of CMIP5 experiments
- Earth system model improvements that help reduce systematic biases and/or increase the realism of models in terms of climate change response.
- The main aims of CMIP6, in particular presentations of CMIP6-Endorsed Model Intercomparison Projects (MIPs) and model improvements directed towards usage in CMIP6.
The workshop will be structured around the three scientific questions:
- How does the Earth system respond to forcing?
- What are the origins and consequences of systematic model biases?
- How can we assess future climate change given climate variability, predictability and uncertainty in scenarios
The workshop will consist of a series of half-day sessions. Each session will begin with presenters in that session given a 3 minute time slot to show no more than one slide summarising the main conclusions of their poster. The rest of the half-day session will consist of viewing posters of that session.
Participation is limited by the size of the venue (~150 people) and format of the workshop.
Submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the Science Program Committee.
There will be a 2000 SEK registration fee for participants of the workshop covering all sessions, refreshments, lunch on Day 1 and the social event. Payment will be requested when potential participants are notified of the results of the abstract review.
- Abstract submission opens: 20th February 2015
- Abstract submission deadline: 13th April 2015
- Abstract acceptance deadline : 15th June 2015
Side meetings (invitation only)
- The WGCM will meet in conjunction with this workshop 18th-20th October 2015, also at the Hotel Excelsior (for WGCM members only).
- The FP7 EMBRACE General Assembly will take place on Monday 19th October (09.00-18.00) at the Hotel Excelsior (for EMBRACE partners only).
Funding statement
The EMBRACE project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 282672